Rosa In "The Grudge"
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Below are screencaps I took myself!

Rosa's first scene

This is when "Maria" is first introduced**She wakes up and says good morning to him

Looking over the railing

"Maria" looks over the railing after watching her husband through himself over it

Deleted Scene

"Karen" goes to "Maria's" house to ask her questions to see if the wierd things that have happened to her could have something to do with Maria's  husband's death

Maria and Karen

'Maria' shows 'Karen' pictures of her and her husband to try to help 'karen' figure out what is happening to herself

Deleted Scenes

This is one of the many scene's of Rosa's that was cut from the film. This is where Karen tells Maria that she "doesnt think he killed himself on purpose"

Maria replies "then why would he throw himself outside a window?!"

Deleted Scene

Karen looks at the many pictures of Maria and her husband before he killed himself

Deleted Scene

Maria and her husband

Deleted Scene


Another pic


Them Again...

This is a flashback scene when Maria's husband opens his locker while talking to his friend, and inside is a picture of Maria and him together